Lawendeer's Terms of service

Please read it carefully, i am not holding responsible for any trouble, read these terms

My rights

♡ I can refuse any request/comission wihtout any explanation
♡ I have the right to refund any comission without explanation
♡ I can update these terms any time i want
♡ I have the right to post/use any artwork i make as an example in any website
♡ I can blacklist anyone without explanation

Usage Policy

If a comissioner comission me for an artwork/custom design, or buy a premade design from me, only they can use/post them

You may:
♡ Repost the artwork/design to any website if you propely credit me ( If its yours or you have the owner's permission )
♡ If i use a base please credit me for the design and the base's artist too
You may not:
♡ Use this design as commercial if you do not have permission for that
♡ Sell my artwork without my permission
♡ Claim my artwork/design as yours
♡ Trace my artwork


♡ You must pay in the beggining, i won't start any artwork/custom if you did not send the money/points
♡ Only comment or note me if you have the money or points, and you want it seriously
♡ If you once made a bid on an auction you can not back up, you will be blacklisted - I do understand things can happen in life but if you ghost me you will be blacklisted due to not being a serious buyer
♡ You must pay within 24 hour or your slot will be given to someone else ( artwork, characters, auctions, designs ) - but I willing to accept holds for returning customers
Willing to accept holds from non returning customers if they can place a deposit
♡ I accept paypal most of the time, sometimes deviantart points but only when i write it in the post
♡ 1.00$ = 100 DA points


♡ No refunds can be asked
♡ You can get a refund only if i back up or something came up for me
♡ Do not open a chargeback case even if i did not start the work or started, you will be blacklisted


♡ I will keep you updated about the artwork, you can also ask for updates
♡ You can find my queue on trello
♡ You can communicate with me on DA,FA,Instagram,Twitter or facebook
♡ My comissions usually take one week or two to complete maximum, but if anything cames up i will keep you updated
♡ I usually do not work on weekends
♡ Once i begun the work, do not ask for character changes
♡ If you asked for a sketch/lineart you are not allowed to color it, if i find out you will be blacklisted
♡ Do not remove my watermark
♡ Do NOT ghost me. Its fine if you are just asking if an ADOPT is available but if you telling me that you willing to pay and then ghost me after multiple message its very likely you will be on my blacklist because
i do not prefer this attitude. Its even okay to decline your payment but reply my message please because its very rude towards to me.


♡ I can blacklist anyone without any explanation
♡ If you do not follow the TOS you will be blacklisted
♡ If you are rude to me or I do not like your behavior I can blacklist you
♡ My blacklist is public and everyone can see it
♡ You can not communicate with me in any other account or from a relative/friend account, you can not make bids from that, you can not make a bid for a friend/relative
♡ If you are blacklisted you are not allowed to comission me or purchase a design/character from me
♡ If you own a character from me but you got blacklisted you still have to follow my TOS, if i find out i will make a public beware

Character permission/TOS

You may:
♡ Use it for personal use/other use ( ask it )
♡ Comission anything of them
♡ Edit the design's specie
♡ Make minimal changes in the design ( But you can add horns, wings ect. )
♡ You can edit on the art/design
♡ Credit me for the design and if i work on a base, the base's artist too, even if you made some change on it
♡ If you unsatisfied with the finished design please let me know and i will edit it or make another one ( But in this case i am allowed to sell the "original" concept if it have alot of difference )
You may not:
♡ Heavily reference a design from me
♡ Steal designs or claim it as your own
♡ Sell it more than you bought it, unless it comes with more art
♡ If you traded for a character you can not sell it unless it comes with extra art, in this case it will have that value as the art


♡ Once you bought it and want to resell or trade it i am not responsible if it goes wrong
♡ You can co-own a design of mine, but i won't get involved if something happens
♡ You can trade with anyone if they are not on the blacklist
♡ If you resell it you won't have any permission
♡ If you got a design from me in a trade, you may only sell it if it comes with other piece than the original, and sell it for that price. (For example you comissioned 10$ art of them, so you can sell them for 10$, but the character itself is only TRADABLE)


- Laura Gry R. (FB) / Fluffydeer (TH ) - did not sent the payment in 24h several times, placed a bid on auction, never payed it
- Wendigotake ( DA ) - placed a bid, did not have the money
- Gemini-Studio (FA) - placed a bid, did not pay
- dragongoddest (FA)

If you have any question, contact me
If you comission me you automaticly accept my TOS